I. Steps to fill form 26QB :

  1. Log on to website e-filing portal​ ( https://www.incometax.gov.in/iec/foportal/ ).
  2. Under ‘e-file’, click on ‘e-Pay tax’
  3. Then Click on ‘New Payment’
  4. Select ‘Proceed’ under ‘26 QB (TDS on Sale of Property)’ field
  5. Fill the complete form as applicable.(User should be ready with the following information while filling the form 26QB :
    1. Residential Status of seller
    2. PAN of the seller & buyer
    3. Communication details of seller & buyer
    4. Property details
    5. Amount paid/credited & tax details
  6. After submitting, the next page will ask to select the mode of payment i.e.,:
    1. Net banking;
    2. Debit Card;
    3. Pay at Bank counter;
    4. RTGS/NEFT; or
    5. Payment Gateway.
  7. Select the appropriate payment mode and click on continue to make the payment.
  8. On successful payment a challan counterfoil will be displayed containing CIN, payment details and bank name through which e-payment has been made. This counterfoil is proof of payment​ being made.

Proceed to TRACES portal ( www.tdscpc.gov.in) after 5 days to download Form 16B.

II. Steps to Download Form 16B:

  1. Register & login on TRACES portal ( www.tdscpc.gov.in) as taxpayer using your PAN.
  2. Select “Form 16B (For Buyer)” under “Downloads” menu.
  3. Enter the details pertaining to the property transaction for which Form 16B is to be requested. Enter the Assessment Year, Acknowledgment Number, PAN of Seller and click on “Proceed”.
  4. A confirmation screen will appear. Click on “Submit Request” to proceed.
  5. A success message on submission of download request will appear. Please note the request number to search for the download request.
  6. Click on “Requested Downloads” to download the requested files.
  7. Search for the request with request number. Select the request row and click on “HTTP download” button. ​​​​​

III. Steps to Fill in Form 26QC:

  1. Go to the TIN NSDL website, Go to Services> Select TDS on Rent of Property.
  2. Click on the Online form for furnishing TDS on Rent of Property (Form 26QC) From the left-hand site list.
  3. Select Form 26QC. …
  4. Fill the details in the form. …
  5. Make a payment of TDS and save the acknowledgment.

IV. Form 16C can be downloaded via the official portal. To download the form, the following steps can be taken –

  • Visit the e-portal
  • Log into your account with your user ID and password. A verification code will also be required to be provided
  • Once the login is complete, you will be taken to the landing page
  • On the landing page, under the ‘Downloads’ tab, you will find the option of downloading Form 16B/C
  • Select ‘Form Type’ and then select the ‘Assessment Year’ for which you need the form
  • Then you would have to enter the acknowledgment number and PAN card number of the landlord
  • When you select ‘Proceed’, you would be able to see a list of challans which you can download
  • You can select Form 16C and download it
  • The form would contain the relevant details like name of the deductor, the deductor’s father’s name, etc. Fill in the details and click ‘Submit a request’
  • Your request for Form 16C would be submitted
  • Once the request becomes ‘available,’ you would be able to download the form.