I. Steps to fill form 26QB :
- Log on to website e-filing portal ( https://www.incometax.gov.in/iec/foportal/ ).
- Under ‘e-file’, click on ‘e-Pay tax’
- Then Click on ‘New Payment’
- Select ‘Proceed’ under ‘26 QB (TDS on Sale of Property)’ field
- Fill the complete form as applicable.(User should be ready with the following information while filling the form 26QB :
- Residential Status of seller
- PAN of the seller & buyer
- Communication details of seller & buyer
- Property details
- Amount paid/credited & tax details
- After submitting, the next page will ask to select the mode of payment i.e.,:
- Net banking;
- Debit Card;
- Pay at Bank counter;
- Payment Gateway.
- Select the appropriate payment mode and click on continue to make the payment.
- On successful payment a challan counterfoil will be displayed containing CIN, payment details and bank name through which e-payment has been made. This counterfoil is proof of payment being made.
Proceed to TRACES portal ( www.tdscpc.gov.in) after 5 days to download Form 16B.
II. Steps to Download Form 16B:
- Register & login on TRACES portal ( www.tdscpc.gov.in) as taxpayer using your PAN.
- Select “Form 16B (For Buyer)” under “Downloads” menu.
- Enter the details pertaining to the property transaction for which Form 16B is to be requested. Enter the Assessment Year, Acknowledgment Number, PAN of Seller and click on “Proceed”.
- A confirmation screen will appear. Click on “Submit Request” to proceed.
- A success message on submission of download request will appear. Please note the request number to search for the download request.
- Click on “Requested Downloads” to download the requested files.
- Search for the request with request number. Select the request row and click on “HTTP download” button.
III. Steps to Fill in Form 26QC:
- Go to the TIN NSDL website, Go to Services> Select TDS on Rent of Property.
- Click on the Online form for furnishing TDS on Rent of Property (Form 26QC) From the left-hand site list.
- Select Form 26QC. …
- Fill the details in the form. …
- Make a payment of TDS and save the acknowledgment.
IV. Form 16C can be downloaded via the official portal. To download the form, the following steps can be taken –
- Visit the e-portal
- Log into your account with your user ID and password. A verification code will also be required to be provided
- Once the login is complete, you will be taken to the landing page
- On the landing page, under the ‘Downloads’ tab, you will find the option of downloading Form 16B/C
- Select ‘Form Type’ and then select the ‘Assessment Year’ for which you need the form
- Then you would have to enter the acknowledgment number and PAN card number of the landlord
- When you select ‘Proceed’, you would be able to see a list of challans which you can download
- You can select Form 16C and download it
- The form would contain the relevant details like name of the deductor, the deductor’s father’s name, etc. Fill in the details and click ‘Submit a request’
- Your request for Form 16C would be submitted
- Once the request becomes ‘available,’ you would be able to download the form.